I found this Smarties wrapper near a trash can outside of the Campus Center. It caught my eye because of the fact it was laying next to the trash can and not in it. I was also attracted to the colors with which it was adorned. And I thought back to the last time I had enjoyed a Smartie. It is a classic childhood treat. Colorful and sweet, they were attractive to little children. This candy was given out to little kids on halloween or were bought inline at the grocery store. Everyone knows what Smarties are and can appreciate the treat. I do not see the wrapper as art because it does not invoke any sort of feeling upon seeing it. We only know what to associate with the wrapper and that is the delicious treats inside. I feel art has to have a deeper meaning or invoke some sort of feeling inside oneself.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I found this Smarties wrapper near a trash can outside of the Campus Center. It caught my eye because of the fact it was laying next to the trash can and not in it. I was also attracted to the colors with which it was adorned. And I thought back to the last time I had enjoyed a Smartie. It is a classic childhood treat. Colorful and sweet, they were attractive to little children. This candy was given out to little kids on halloween or were bought inline at the grocery store. Everyone knows what Smarties are and can appreciate the treat. I do not see the wrapper as art because it does not invoke any sort of feeling upon seeing it. We only know what to associate with the wrapper and that is the delicious treats inside. I feel art has to have a deeper meaning or invoke some sort of feeling inside oneself.
This straw wrapper was laying, intact, in the grass down by the waterfront. The white color of the wrapper stood out against the vibrant green grass. It was still straight and not ripped except for the ends where someone had pushed the straw out. It caught my attention because it looked like there still might be a straw in it. Upon further investigation I realized it was just the wrapper. Straws have found their ways into our everyday life. Everytime you go to a fastfood restaurant, your drink comes with a plastic straw. We are used to see wrappers strewn across the environment and it doesnt even phase some people. This wrapper is not art to me because no one created the wrapper with passion or put their soul into creating it. It was made by a machine just like all the other ones.
I found this candy wrapper in the grass off the path near the bell tower. It caught my eye because of its bright color. After I investigated it further i realized it had another language on the wrapper. I am unsure of the language but it looked really cool. I don't even know what kind of candy it is because I cannot understand the wrapper. I thought this was probably the coolest thing I have found for the scrapbook portion of my blog yet. It is a foreign candy wrapper and you don't see many of those around. It shows how other cultures are present in our American culture as a whole. I don't find this wrapper as art because even though it is unique for being on this campus there are still thousands if not millions of those wrappers out there somewhere. There is nothing unique this wrapper at all.
I found this metal C hook on the path as I was walking to class in Goodpaster. It caught my eye because it was laying in some sand and stood out in front of the light color. I started to wander where it had come from and what was missing this piece. I wondered how it had broken off or if someone had just discarded it. Metal pieces like this are everywhere. They are apart of many appliances and other every day ammenities that we use regularly. Metal can be bended and shifted in many ways therefore making it useful to create strong things. I don't see this C hook as a work of art because I still believe for something to be art it has to be unique but there are many other hooks exactly like this one out in the world.
I found this flower near the patch of dandilions I had mention in an earlier post. It caught my eye because it was near the dandilions but not apart of the same patch. Its white color contrasted to the bright yellow of the dandilions. There was a patch of these little white flowers huddled together no more than a yard away from the dandilions. It made me chuckle because the way they were apart from eachother made me think of the way people tend to stick to their own group of friends and never venture out to meet new people. The white flowers stuck with the white flowers and the yellow flowers stuck with the yellow flowers. It just made it interesting so see these two groups amidst the green grass. I feel it is not art because again the flowers just happened to grow in that spot and happened to be that color. There was no one who came up and planted them right next to eachother.
I found this odd looking woodchunk in my hallway in Dorchester. It stood out because obviously it had no business being in the hallway. It was a brown mass against a white floor and was easy to notice. it almost reminded me of a walnut shell but I think it is a piece of mulch. This piece may not have been significant to anything but it is funny to think of how the shape of something can draw your attention. We see wood all the time but if it is carved into something or is just naturally bent in some wierd way it attracts our gaze. This piece was in a peculiar shape for wood but the fact it was indoors is really what got me too take interest in it. I kept thinking how it had gotten there and who or what may have put it there. I don't consider it art because I feel it just happened to end up like that and there was no real concious effort to create it.
I found this helicopter leaf on the path when I was walking back to my dorm. It caught my eye because I haven't seen many of them especially this late into spring. Its odd shape makes it stand out from a lot of the regular shapes. I used to love helicopter leaves because they would fall from the trees spinning round and round. It was fun to run around and try to catch them. I think its neat that nature gave the seed a way of getting to the ground without falling hard. Everyone knows what a helicopter leaf is and even though the older people may not be too interested they still remember a time when they used to romp around chasing these leaves. I don't consider it art because it there was no artistic thought put into it. It is just the way the plant adapted to survive. There is no medium for which us to see it as art.
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