Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bonnie Veblen's SMP

Bonnie Veblen's SMP was very deep to say the least. I was able to feel her passion for her work and she helped the audience understand her motivation for the types of work she did. She explained how she used to be afraid of painting and how she just stuck to certain things because she was comfortable with them. She has stepped out of her comfort zone and really seems to be taking off with her paintings. Her landscape paintings concentrate more on keeping your view in one place as opposed to wandering off into the distance. It makes for and interesting way of looking at a landscape. It was cool to see how she challenged herself with her work. She didn't just settle for her first piece but reworked it and reworked it some more. I also found it interesting how she changed her styles back and forth until she really settled on one. She even changed scales to see which ones worked better for the message she was trying to portray. All in all I felt it was an eye-opening experience.

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